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Monday, December 12, 2005

I hate winter

It is so cold here! I really miss the San Diego weather on days like today. On the upside, I'll be in Florida in two days. Thank God. I'm running all kinds of errands today to get ready for our trip. We'll be there two weeks- I can't wait! Then it's off to NYC for New Year. Should be fun. Well, that's my random thought for the day...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Fat Pictures!

Well for those of you in San Diego and elsewhere who can't see me, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into the crazy baby belly. These pictures are from week 23. I'm in week 25 now, but you get the idea...
I'm FAT.


Monday, November 28, 2005


     We had a great Thanksgiving day in Michigan. I was happy to be the guest instead of the hostess for the first time in many years,  although I missed all my San Diego "family" and the fun we had! It was nice not to have to stand in the kitchen all day. Here's a super cute picture of Chris with our nephew Michael Jr. and of course Henry! I thought it was funny that the dog had a shirt on but Mikey didn't. He had just finished eating some of Auntie Kelly's famous "Death by Chocolate" and was between outfits! Hope everybody's holiday was as nice as ours :)


Sunday, November 27, 2005


    Well, the Dexter High School class of 1995 was reunited over the weekend. It was pretty surreal at first. I felt like I had stepped through a wrinkle in time, but it proved interesting to see and hear how everyone's lives turned out. I was pleased to see some of my best old friends! I'm glad to say that they all seem happy and successful.

     Everyone looked great! I felt like a cow of course, and was glad to see two other preggers in the crowd.  Much to my lament, I forgot my camera and therefore missed many photo opportunities. Everyone who took pictures needs to email me!

     I have to give props to Elise for how well everything turned out. Nice food, setup, and memories. The unborn one especially appreciated the Hershey Kisses on the table ;) and I was amused to hear the recording of the greatest fight song EVER.


Go Dreadnaughts!

See you all in 10 years.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Third ultrasound!!!

Well, the baby gained a whole pound in three weeks! We are very excited. Today the baby showed his or her spine and everything looked great- we won't be having any more scans in the near future. We got a foot picture and some more profiles. The baby has the cutest little nose :)
On another subject, I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving! We'll be in Michigan with the Butos! It will be the first time I haven't had to cook for five years. I can't wait to eat turkey cooked by someone else. I'll update more soon.


Sunday, November 6, 2005

Ultrasound #2

We had our second ultrasound on Tuesday. It was fun to see the baby, but he or she was being stubborn and was curled up in a ball just chillin' out. We'll have to go back in a couple of weeks so the doctor can get a better look. Fine by me, I love seeing the baby! I finally felt it move for sure on Wednesday. It has been a constant kick fest ever since. I have to admit I'm really enjoying it :)
More to come...

Saturday, November 5, 2005

My new hobby

So I have a new hobby. I am selling Avon. I have a website where y'all can buy stuff and help support MY shopping habit ;)
Anyway, check it out. You can order and have stuff sent to you directly.

Friday, October 21, 2005

A drinking song!

Although I can't drink right now, I learned a new drinking song today. I have to share! It's great!
Dos, a beer, a Mexican beer

Ray, a guy who buys me beer

Me, the guy, Ray buys beer for

Far, a long way to the bar

So, I need another beer

La, la la la lots of beer

Tea, hell no I want a beer

and that will bring us back to Dos!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Our first ultrasound!

We had our first ultrasound and it was wonderful... Little C.J./Kathleen looks like an alien! It was amazing to see this little person that we made together moving around on the screen. It made everything seem so much more real. The due date has moved. Originally we were saying March 14, but Dr. Tucker and Dr. Librizzi says it's more like March 16. Christopher is hoping for St Patrick's Day. More to come...