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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Baby Shower


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My baby shower was on January 28.  It was hosted by Auntie Bridget and Grandma at the old Buto Plantation in Dexter, and was a lovely event!

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I received many wonderful gifts for the little one and have had a great time ever since getting the nursery and house ready for the arrival.


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I'm not quite ready to take a picture of everything yet, but here's an example with our linens and decor courtesy of Babies R UsNursery...

NBA Action

We went to a 76ers/ SuperSonics game in January and a good time was had by all despite the score.



We have tickets for the Pistons game on March 29, but if Chrisleen/Kathtopher gets here on time I doubt I'll be attending!

Florida :)

Well, we had a great time in Florida in December! We spent two whole weeks with lots of lying in the sun, pina colada-drinking (virgin for me), catching up on movies, dining out, putt-putting, and even some trail walking. We spent most of the time in Ft Myers, but ran up to Gainesville on Christmas Eve to spend the weekend with Chris' family. There are no pool or beach pictures because I'm pregnant. If you haven't see me in a bathing suit this way, I'm not going to force it on you now ;)

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It's been a while...

So, I got a Friendster notification that Chrissy had updated her blog. I went and checked it out, and immediately two things came to mind. First, how desperately I want some sushi! Only 30 days of pregnancy left- Chris and I discussed quite a while ago that my first meal as a Mommy will be sushi. I can't wait! Secondly, I have really slacked off on my blog... I think I'll put in the vacation update and whatnot now :)


The picture is of the fabulous sushi we had in Sasebo, Japan. I could cry just thinking about it ;)