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Monday, August 31, 2009

Can you believe Declan is a year old?

Me either! We had a little celebration in the park for my beautiful boy. Here are a couple of snapshots to commemorate the event.

We had chicken nuggets...

A special cake just for the birthday boy...

and adorable Elmo cupcakes!

The candle was fascinating!

Christopher didn't seem to mind murdering his buddy Elmo at all.

All in all the party was a (cake) smashing success!

By the way, Christopher wore the same shirt for his second birthday! Whoa!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

In a Daze...

So, I was in Michigan last weekend for Dexter Daze. Got a gorgeous olive wood rosary bracelet for only $4.00, saw a magic show, and drank way too much beer with some dear friends. Here are a couple pics from the infamous Dexter Daze "Social Tent". Yeah, some towns have ice cream socials, we have a beer social! Salute!

Top models in action!

All of the Buto sisters- Too bad Bridget and Crystal were caught up in their own picture! LOL Jenni and I are cute though.

Kelly and I with our cheesiest self-portrait grins

The crowd...

Me and the gorgeous Mrs Troczynski

I was a bit too inebriated to consider the camera anymore by the time we moved on to Katie's but had a great time
catching up with some more peeps there.
I would like to applaud my friend Jeff for driving me home
afterwards too. {{hugs}}

I can't wait for Dexter Daze 2013 when we come back to the states! Slainte!